For New Year Eve 2013, we created a video mapping show in Grenoble (France), on a beautiful 85 meters building, which was a former military barracks. Inspired by the geographic environment of the city, we imagined Grenoble as a citadel protected by a natural fortress : the mountains.
Result of 4 months creation and carried by a team of 9 people, the show mobilized three 35 000 lumens video-projectors to illuminate the 85 meters building, for a 2000 m ² surface. A performance shared by more than 15 000 people during the New Year Eve.
Credits :
Art Direction : Wilfried DELLA ROSSA
Music : Squeaky Lobster & Loup Mormont
2D : Yann Favre & Arnaud Laffond
3D : Jérémy Angonin & Laurent Basset
Technical Direction : Thomas MATHIEU